The Black Lips week, 4th to the 8th of November 2015.
The week began on Wednesday, with pre-parties being held in Jozi and Pretoria, followed by the first show in Jozi, and then the tour went down south to Cape Town where Black Lips played two shows.
Bobbejaan, kicked off the week for us in Pretoria by hosting a pre-party at Die Proviand, by the Voortrekker Monument.
Bobbejaans ambition and enthusiasm for the local scene is always refreshing to be around, many would’ve said a Wednesday night party wouldn’t have worked out, but I definitely think it was a huge success! From great rock and roll music to tequila, the night was not short of entertainment! Friends said they would take it easy the night before Black Lips, but that was the last thing on peoples minds once enough tequila had kicked in.
Thursday was the day many were holding their breath for in anticipation for many months since the announcement came from Psych Night.
Carfax the scene, The Black Lips the band in question.
The night kicked off in perfect style with The Moths getting the crowd into boogy mood with their psychedelic surf rock and roll, and paved the way for the shoegazing psychedelic trio Sol Gems to blow peoples minds! Their performance was clinical as always and included a guest appearance by Jenny Dison, the former one half front lady of Bye Beneco. Dramatic, energetic and inspiring, were my thoughts, as the next band up BCUC left the crowd in awe and smashed out yet another incredible live performance! BCUC one of those bands that gives 110% no matter what, when, where, or how, and set the scene for the onslaught that was about the ensue! It was Black Lips time! The moment the South African underground scene had waited months for, it was here and it was now!
Black Lips, came out at break neck speed, exactly the way we thought they would! Playing old favourites, and drinking copious amounts of alcohol in the process. The band ran through songs like Family Tree, Modern Art, O Katrina!, and my personal favourite Sea Of Blasphemy, while crowd favourite Bad Kids sent Carfax into an orgasmic musical frenzy, and the crowd seemingly became one as it began surging back and forth across the clubs floor. Once the band had finished there initial set, a mini riot ensued before the band decided to come back on stage and play an encore, by this stage Cole, the guitarist was two nil up against Jose Cuervo, I am sure he was just warming up to the weeks festivities.
Black Lips were everything I expected and much more, and the support bands continuously blow me away with their standard of music. The future of the local scene is bright and it is thanks to organisations like Psych Night, who continue to bring international bands to our shores and support the local scene with many other events and shows throughout the year. Keep your eyes peeled for their annual Inner City Psych Fest which takes place down in Cape Town.
Katja caught up with the dudes from Psych Night before the show, check out what they had too say!
Many thanks goes out to Psych Night, Vans South Africa, Jose Cuervo, Bobbejaan, all the bands that supported The Black Lips and gave it their all! BCUC, Sol Gems, Gumbo Ya Ya’s. Fizz Pops, Medicine Boy, Retro Dizzy, Sakawa Boys and The Sisters, thank you all for flying the flag of the local scene high!
Huge thanks to the crew at Black Gosling for their awesome work on the video!
Check out their work here:
Photo courtesy of Vans South Africa
Check out the rest of the night here: