Category: Album Reviews

  • Zombies Ate My Girlfriend – Shun the Reptile Interview

    Zombies Ate My Girlfriend – Shun the Reptile Interview

      Zombies Ate My Girlfriend has return with a brand new album Shun the Reptile. We caught up with the Cape Town oaks just after their two city launch. You launched the album in the beginning of November with two lekker gigs at Sundowners(JHB) and Mercury Live(CPT). How was the launch(es)? There’s so much that…

  • FRANX on his new EP

    FRANX on his new EP

    There is nothing else to provide foliage around the instrument and voice which created the music. All sounds are provided by the two elements and the simplicity is palpable. Franco Schoeman, bassist for the much-loved South African band, Isochronous, is on a one-man mission. He takes all that he has learned over the years and…



    Marriage is difficult, you have to pick one human to spend the rest of your life with. One human to share your last cigarette with. One human to always put in ahead of yourself. One human to love until you, your partner or even the universe implodes. What if years of playing Monopoly leads to…

  • Twin Atlantic – GLA review

    Twin Atlantic – GLA review

    Twin Atlantic -GLA Review   Your forming years are filled with awkward spine twisting moments. Times where your social life and under-bite both exist in hermitage. You need this time, to learn facts. Facts like chatting on  mxit on the toilet can end in the loss of a phone, or that prawn buffets steal happiness…

  • Twin Atlantic to Release New Album – GLA

    Twin Atlantic to Release New Album – GLA

      Could it be that insomnia enhances creativity? Esteemed painter  Van Gogh, and ex-president of the United States, Billy Bob Clinton both suffered from sleepless nights. To be honest, it might have been a huge contributor to both of the two’s greatest laps in judgement. Twin Atlantic, on the other hand, seem to be benefiting handsomely…